What is GameThrive? How to get started.

OneSignal(formerly GameThrive) is a push notification delivery service designed specifically for mobile games, apps and websites. It is available as a Corona plugin for free to all Corona developers.

OneSignal can be set up in less than 15 minutes and provides segmentation targeting, localization, scheduled push and real time tracking. OneSignal currently supports native Apple and Google push notifications and comes with libraries for native iOS, native Android, Corona SDK and Unity.

GET STARTED with the following links:


Website: https://onesignal.com
Plugin Documentation: https://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/GameThrivePushNotifications/index.html
Plugin Daily Build documentation: http://docs.coronalabs.com/daily/plugin/GameThrivePushNotifications/index.html


Original Announcement Corona Blog Post here:


If you have any questions regarding GameThrive, its functions or otherwise, please post them in this forum and we will do our best to answer your questions in a timely manner.



July 30:

  1. Added API to create new apps.

  2. Added an API to send one notification to multiple apps

  3. Improved realtime chart UI

  4. Display users even if they opted out of receiving notifications on the user view

  5. Additional segment filter options added

New updates today!

GameThrive has been updated to meet the requirements of the Google Play advertising ID policy that started August 1st. You must be using Corona 2014.2381 or later when using GameThrive for your game to be accepted by Google Play.

The following must be included in your build.settings file under the plugins section:

 -- Android requires Google Play Services with Corona v2014.2381 or later ["plugin.google.play.services"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" },

If your seeing the following error on the device this means that your missing the above or have placed it in the wrong area:

Runetime Error

java.lang.VerifyError: GameThrivePushNotifications/LuaLoader$GetAdvertisingIdFunction

Lots of new features including Interactive Notifications support for iOS 8 and Android 4.1+ as well as delayed Push Notifications permissions for Corona! More info at our blog here:


Thanks for your support! 

Any idea why the call to PlayerPurchase is not documented?



It’s kind of an important method to know about…

Hey Daniel. The plugin now automatically tracks purchases so you don’t need to call any methods.