What now for Corona Editor

Hi all, 

Rather depressingly, I just went to the Sublime Text website to see if there were any updates and it seems (to all intents and purposes) that the project creator and developer has … ‘disappeared’. Nothing heard from him in over a month and no dev builds since December last year.

So, I was wondering, where does that leave the Corona Editor? Will you guys continue to maintain code for a platform that seems to have died, or will we see updates?

Or (dream scenario :slight_smile: have you considered buying Sublime and making it an official-official editor for Corona? :slight_smile:

Jus’ wondering…


Just talking about this in another thread, sounds like it’s pretty much done due to lack of demand.

Massive shame…

lack of demand for Corona Editor or ST? Can you point to topic this issue is discussed?

What do you guys recommend as replacement for ST + CE?


Look at David’s post near the bottom.

Wait, development on Sublime Text is “over” ? That’s what it sounded like the OP said. And I have a hard time believing that.

And what David said in the other thread wasn’t anything near “Corona Editor is over.” It was more along the lines of, “Development has been completed on Corona Editor.”

Which means it’s done. As in complete, not dead. You don’t have to have continuous updates on a product if what’s there works. (Of course, maybe it doesn’t work, I don’t use it, but that’s not what it sounded like.)

If Sublime Text + Corona plugin works well now, then why worry about it?


I’m pretty confident it is over.  Perry stopped working on it almost 4 months ago.  Without updates the product will become out of date like all the other Corona plugins before it.  When I brought it up to Corona, the key reason I didn’t want to do it myself was the fact it needed to be maintained to be up to date.

Regardless, there are still issues with the plugin, it isn’t “finished” and has already grown out of date.

Yeah, if it’s out of date that’s not good. It would be sad if CL just drops it and lets it die completely, that would give CL detractors more ammo (and rightly so).

Maybe they’ll do an update every 6 months or so – that might keep it current enough but not take too much engineering time.


CE had a good start - basic debugging, code completion. However few issues blocked the road for me. CE definitely needs more love from its creator, otherwise it is going to rot and die.

What editor do you guys use for Corona-based development? ZeroBrane Studio or sth else?

Just out of curiosity, what is “Out of Date” about Corona Editor?  ST hasn’t put out any newer updates that would break it as far as I know.  It should be handling all current API calls.  I use it every day (perhaps not as heavy as others).   Are there bugs? Probably, but are bug reports being filed?  Are there new features we could add?  Sure.  Are they being asked for and voted up on the feedback site?

As David said, it’s in a good enough state that we can turn our engineering efforts to other things.  When we need to come back to it, I’m sure we will. 

@coronasdk771, what are these issues that are blocking you from using it? 

@Rob this one is a deal breaker for me http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/43040-cant-see-current-line-in-debugger-when-loading-lua-file-from-subdirectory/ Is CE open-sourced so we can submit patches etc?

I found other issues, and it doesn’t always work in general.

But it is kind of open source, it’s on github and you can submit a pull request.  

It seems that with the introduction of CoronaCards that I might just do all my development in Xcode now and embed Corona (assuming the performance is about the same).  Perhaps that’s why the de-emphasis on the Sublime plugin.  I wonder how context sensitive Lua syntax checking will work in Xcode.

Will the corona editor and sublime work with the new build and composer api release?

Sad to hear, I was just getting used to Sublime Text.  I may have found a great replacement, anyone try ZeroBrane Studio?  Also, MY Developers gave me a run at his Lua Glider, and although it looks pretty powerful, it looks equally intimidating.  Check them both out.

I have both but to me they’re too cluttered. I like the simple look of sublime. I’ll keep using sublime. I used it before corona editor and will use it after. my second choice would be outlaw

I see Rob has already commented, but I’ll chime in anyway.

Who the heck said Corona Editor “is over”???

I didn’t. And it isn’t over, by any means.

Sure, we haven’t added new features in a few months. But that’s because we wanted to get it to a v1. We will add more things in the future (and that’s what this tool is for: http://feedback.coronalabs.com/forums/226389-corona-editor  - feel free to add things and vote on them if they are important to you).

But it isn’t a core piece of the platform, so we don’t plan on constantly iterating on it. Also, it’s open source and there are several alternatives (as mentioned in the thread).

So I get that it may be missing stuff *some* of you need. But that’s a far cry from just arbitrarily pronouncing it “dead”.

[end of rant]  ;)

There is no syntax highlighting for the composer API calls currently but there isn’t anything in the new public build that would “break” Corona Editor or ST.


I feel that CE plugin is fragile, and using debugger is painful (e.g. doesn’t always stop at breakpoints, can’t inspect tables, gets confused easily, requiring restarts, etc. I am on the latest everything.

Also, I find that my bugs inside a callback, (e.g a nil function call in a button callback) just get ignored, callback bails out without finishing, extremely hard to know what happened!  (*anyone know a good solution to this? handling and propagating exceptions in callbacks?)

As an experienced developer but a newcomer to CL platform, I am disappointed with the tool maturity. It’s definitely slowing me down. I’m still sticking with CL but wish for better tools =(

Have a look at ZeroBrane if you want better Corona support.

I love Sublime and use it daily, but I’ve been looking at ZeroBrane now as it has better Corona support.

I’ve used LuaGlider in the past, but it is too buggy.

I haven’t switched to ZeroBrane yet just checking it out, but I hear people rave about it.  I have so much customized in Sublime, not sure I would switch even with CE the way it is now.