What plugins would you like to see available for Corona SDK

We are interested in hearing what plugins you would like to see available.

Please go to http://feedback.coronalabs.com and see if your suggestion is already there and vote it up! If your suggestion is not, please create a new entry and then follow up this thread with the Name of the plugin, what it does and the URL to the feedback request site!




Implement the mapBox (https://www.mapbox.com/) SDK as a Corona plugin.

This plugin would give us the ability to support real mapping features online and offline with strong performance with offline road mapping.

We would ready to pay for this for sure.


Samsung in app purchase


Vote here:


some plugin for install tracking. 

appsflyer as an example: 

vote here


Please note! I just added a new category called “Plugin”, if you could make sure to start the suggestion with [Plugin] and pick this category, would be uber helpful.



Vote Applovin, the #1 Ad Network with the highest eCPM’s: (We’ve used a ton of Ad networks, and applovin is our #1 by far)


Not a plugin per se, but if something like this saw the light of day, I could see a lot of plugins built on top of it.

Consider this a +1 to jch_APPLE’s comments in the related blog post.  :slight_smile:

Google Sign-In



@ubj3d.android, there is an existing feature request for this (I think its the same thing): http://feedback.coronalabs.com/forums/188732-corona-sdk-feature-requests-feedback/suggestions/3695289-google-sign-in-support

Please vote it up if you have not already.


Great, thank you. Voted.

The Applovin plugin is available now: https://coronalabs.com/blog/2016/02/03/were-applovin-your-corona-apps/

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Update to latest AdMob SDK.


I would love a Mixpanel plugin.

Here is the link to the feedback entry:


For anyone that does not know what Mixpanel is, it is an analytics service similar to Flurry, but 10x better.

There is an open source implementation, but it was buggy when I tried it, and is no longer supported by the developer.

add tappx


tappx advertising  

go to tappx web site to find out more

Quickblox chat.

Quickblox chat has done all the coding for iOS and Android, just need a bit of glue to make it available for corona.


I’d love to pay for audio improvement. Play a subsection of a sound, set playback speed to do very simple pitch modifications f.i. on footsteps or similar sounds of course even better would be some basic realtime filters/effects, add access/modifications/creation to the samplebuffer for sounds.

This -> http://feedback.coronalabs.com/forums/188732-corona-feature-requests-feedback/suggestions/4784694-display-newtext-advanced-options-justification

  • formatting.

We really need the rich text support.

2 things I would LOVE to see, and the lack of these have caused me to pass on Corona as as platform for some projects.

  1.  Native animated gif support

  2.  A video recording interface plugin to allow us a video record preview, with a ‘record’ button that you can hold to start/stop recording, turn on/off flash, etc…   There is a plugin available for Android video but would need it for iOS or one plugin that works with both.