What's happened with X-Pressive.com (Particle/Text Candy)?

Sigh… I just wish he would reply to me… Sent a new email on wednesday…still no reply. Maybe I’ll have to try sending it from a different email address in case my mail is getting stuck in a spam folder for some reason.

I used another email address and I got a reply in a timely manner.

Maybe my other email address gets filtered by their spam filter for some reason…

I have had the same lack of response to several recent support requests.  I agree, in the past he was very responsive but his current AWOL status is troubling, especially since he is still selling his products.  Hope he’s ok!

Yeah, I hope everything is OK with him too.
His lack of response on several mediums for such a long period of time does seem to indicate that something has happened though :frowning:

I just tested an app I have in iOS 7 and text input via Widget candy does not work anymore.

Time to start stripping Widget Candy.

Ugh.  That is very bad news FearTec.  I have a live app that uses Widget Candy but I haven’t tested on iOS 7 yet.  Can you describe how it’s not working?  Like do you get an error message, or is text too small or something?  Maybe we can craft a workaround.

The keyboard pops up (both text and numeric ones) but any key presses (letter or number) does not make to to the textbox.  backpspace does not work either.

I’ll have to totally swap to native textboxes and not have scrollable textboxes.

I am not sure of this is an issue with Widget candy or Corona but I am sick of no support from widget candy.

Don’t buy it.

You can long press and copy and paste in and out but that it is.

Yeah, there are some problems with the Candy products and iOS7.

But not only that, Text Candy is not compatible with Graphics 2.0 and will fail miserably (it uses the deprecated sprite.API among many other things). I’ve managed to hack my way around that, but I would want to have official support,

Ouch.  I don’t use Text Candy, but I do use Particle Candy.  Ingemar, are you seeing problems with Particle Candy on iOS7 too?  I am yet to test my projects on iOS7 environment, but I’m getting really worried.


I don’t use any Candy products, but the textField bug sounds like the Corona issue that was reported before and presumably will be fixed shortly as it affects all simulated input fields people have been making. See http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/36035-ios7-testing/page-2#entry200094

WOW! That potentially very bad news! I am using Particle Candy on my old game (Space Command) and for my upcoming game. I hope we can get some guidance on ios 7.0 and PC!


I have used Particle Candy sparingly so far and, luckily, from what I can see there are no issues with it on iOS7. I’ll have to leave it up to others who use it more to comment any further.

However it’s worrying that several people seem to have not gotten any response from X-Pressive. I’m starting to doubt the future  of the products if there is no support. 

OK we *do* have the source code, so we could dive in to it and fix things ourselves (that’s what I did with Text Candy). If there is a problem with the company, I’d appreciate if they could consider open-sourceing it.

In the mean time I’m starting to look for other alternatives…

THANKS Ingemar! That is a very good news :slight_smile: My game Space Command depend on if and could not have been done without it. WHEN you have a second (and if you like) I will love if you could check it out with IOS 7! Since the game use PC heavily, it could tell all of us if iOS 7 could be an issue. Of course anybody who is already experimenting with iOS 7 is welcome to it! Here the link. (Free game version) : https://itunes.apple.com/app/id590540185?mt=8Thank you :slight_smile: Mo Ps: you are right, the module is in Lua but man that would quite a job if there is a big problem with ios7. I have seen a library that looks very good on the code share. I may have to have a deeper look at it this weekend…


I tested it on iOS7 and there are no problems with Particle Candy that I can see which is good news.

No ads are showing at all, but I get no errors in the log, so I suspect that nobody is willing to show ads for iOS7 yet.

GameCenter crashed on me though, but I don’t think it’s your fault.

Here’s the log if you’re interested:

Sep 12 15:56:07 Devpod-5G SpacecomFree[515] \<Warning\>: Warning: Libinfo call to mDNSResponder on main thread Sep 12 15:56:09 Devpod-5G kernel[0] \<Debug\>: AppleAP3GDL::handleInterrupt2 FIFO is Empty Sep 12 15:56:27 Devpod-5G SpacecomFree[515] \<Warning\>: Warning: Libinfo call to mDNSResponder on main thread Sep 12 15:56:28 Devpod-5G com.apple.facebook.xpc[532] \<Notice\>: 2013-09-12 15:56:28.142|com.apple.facebo|0x14d293e0: SLServiceMain is creating a service listener for com.apple.social.facebook Sep 12 15:56:28 Devpod-5G com.apple.facebook.xpc[532] \<Notice\>: 2013-09-12 15:56:28.167|com.apple.facebo|0x14d293e0: Service with type com.apple.social.facebook session class FBDSession and protocol \<Protocol: 0x3bb18e00\> is accepting connections at listener \<NSXPCListener: 0x14d2a970\> Sep 12 15:56:28 Devpod-5G com.apple.facebook.xpc[532] \<Notice\>: 2013-09-12 15:56:28.235|com.apple.facebo|0x14d32550: New remote session: \<FBDSession: 0x14d32060\> Sep 12 15:56:47 Devpod-5G medialibraryd[159] \<Warning\>: {MediaLibrary} [MediaLibraryService] Cancelling any active or suspended import operations in progress for process \<unknown process\> (process ID = 528) Sep 12 15:56:47 Devpod-5G medialibraryd[159] \<Warning\>: {MediaLibrary} [MLWriter] Cleaning up any remaining transactions for ended process \<unknown process\> (process ID = 528) Sep 12 15:57:39 Devpod-5G GameCenterUIService[518] \<Warning\>: \*\*\* Assertion failure in -[UICollectionView \_endItemAnimations], /SourceCache/UIKit/UIKit-2903.2/UICollectionView.m:3519 Sep 12 15:57:39 Devpod-5G GameCenterUIService[518] \<Error\>: \*\*\* Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'attempt to delete item 99 from section 1 which only contains 75 items before the update' \*\*\* First throw call stack: (0x30d64f53 0x3b00e6af 0x30d64e2d 0x3170c183 0x33696df7 0xb086b 0x318cbebd 0x318cbebd 0x3197a4b9 0x3b4f1d7b 0x3b4f1d67 0x3b4f87c1 0x30d2f821 0x30d2e0f5 0x30c98ce7 0x30c98acb 0x35982283 0x3353aa41 0xbb0d7 0x3b516ab7) Sep 12 15:57:39 Devpod-5G ReportCrash[533] \<Notice\>: ReportCrash acting against PID 518 Sep 12 15:57:39 Devpod-5G coresymbolicationd[534] \<Warning\>: cache does not exist at /private/var/root/Library/Caches/com.apple.coresymbolicationd/11A465, resetting Sep 12 15:57:40 Devpod-5G ReportCrash[533] \<Notice\>: Formulating crash report for process GameCenterUIService[518] Sep 12 15:57:40 Devpod-5G com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.apple.gamecenter.GameCenterUIService[0xa970][518]) \<Warning\>: (UIKitApplication:com.apple.gamecenter.GameCenterUIService[0xa970]) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6 Sep 12 15:57:40 Devpod-5G backboardd[28] \<Warning\>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.apple.gamecenter.GameCenterUIService[0xa970]' exited abnormally with signal 6: Abort trap: 6 Sep 12 15:57:40 Devpod-5G ReportCrash[533] \<Notice\>: Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/

I think it’s a problem with Corona’s new builds. 

From what I was testing - in the “userInput” event handler, during the “editing” phase, the event.text property doesn’t have the latest entered character. So when I was typing in a native corona’s TextField and outputting this to the label.text, I had a 1-characted “lag”. When I tried my own implementation of hiding the real text field and putting the text on the screen, I had just the bahaviour you described. 

I had to use a work-around to get it working. Maybe the textField from Widget Candy doesn’t have this? 

And for the support - I got my response in a few hours after sending an email. 


You got a reply recently?

I used to get replies to my emails within a few hours as well, but ever since July there has been no sign of life…

Yeah ;) 

My email sent on Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 12:31 PM

Reply received: Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 1:51 PM

Great… good news! Thanks.

I’ll send another email today again and see what happens!

@ingemar; WOW! You made my day today:) That was so kind of you. I am glad PC people are back online. That’s a great news since it is a great product! Thanks for the Game Center issue. I will look into it. Thank God our customers are running our app attached to the Mac console LOL Thanks a million in taking the time! Mo