Why is Inner-active serving spam?

Seriously I just checked out an ad in my game and it led me to a site trying to get people to enter there cell phone. I navigated through the page to another page that said in very fine small print that they would charge your cell phone carrier 9.99 a month. I do appreciate inner-actives functionality but I cant have spam scams showing to my potential customers. This does me more harm than good. [import]uid: 39088 topic_id: 24887 reply_id: 324887[/import]

Caveat Empor.

>>Why is Inner-active serving spam<<

Its not spam, which is unwanted email.
It is an advert in a space in an advert-supported application.
If the user doesn’t want to see adverts, usually they have the option to buy a no-ads version for a fee.
If the ads are there, they don’t need to click.
If they click, they don’t need to buy.

But the bottom line is: Inneractive display these ads because the advertiser pays them to.
Thats Inneractive’s business model.

Many developers have a different view of the world, because to some developers, Inneractive are one of several people who just ‘send you money’.

Arguably, there could be a system of opt-out where you might ask IA to not display certain kinds of ads. There are already some safeguards and targeting options, so its not impossible.
[import]uid: 108660 topic_id: 24887 reply_id: 101051[/import]