Will User-Submitted Plugins Work in the Simulator?

Hi Team,

I’m preparing to submit a (free) plugin to the Store, and I have a question: will plugins that are user-submitted, like mine, work in the Corona Simulator, for folks who buy/activate them? My plugin is “pure Lua,” so it does work in the Simulator, at least on my machine where the plugin is locally-hosted, but if plugins aren’t actually added to a project until the project is built (and it appears that’s how it works), then am I correct in assuming that users of my plugin would need to build for device to test it out?

I love the idea that by using a plugin as opposed to a module, I get a higher degree of protection over my intellectual property, but I would hate to limit my plugin’s use to only on-device testing, especially since it works great in the Simulator. 

Am I wrong about this? I sure hope so. Any insights would be most appreciated.



Hi schroederapps,

Yes. You need to handle *-sim platforms for normal plugins, but for Lua plugins everything “just works” for the end user.



Beautiful! Thanks for the quick reply, Michael! (and for telling me what I wanted to hear, no less!) :slight_smile:

I should note that this only applies if you are generating your plugins using our build system (tied into the templates we offer on GitHub). These will compile your source code into byte code (providing some layer of the intellectual property protection you mentioned) and put everything in the right place for you to support all platforms.

When you’re ready to submit to the store I’ll help you through and make sure all is working. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :slight_smile:

Hi Michael,

Glad to see you on the Corona Geek show last night! Thanks for all your help. I’ve submitted my application to the store. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to move the process along. I’m pretty pleased with how the plugin turned out.

The plugin gives Corona developers an easy way to access the full range of Twitter’s REST APIs from inside their apps, making it simple to get data from or post information to a Twitter user’s account with as little as a single line of code. The plugin automatically handles oAuth authentication, and persistently saves a logged-in user’s token data, so they’ll only need to log in and authorize your app once, even across multiple sessions, until they are manually logged out or revoke your app’s access to their Twitter account. The plugin also comes with a set of “convenience functions” that return Lua tables and/or Corona display objects, for easier access to common-use applications without the need for developers to wade through the raw JSON data that Twitter’s REST APIs return.

Full documentation on the plugin is on my website: http://www.jasonschroeder.com/2015/07/15/twitter-plugin-for-corona-sdk/

And here’s a video of the demo app I whipped up to show the plugin off:


Thanks again!


That’s great news!


Lookin’ good!

I’ll be in contact with you tomorrow morning to get it onto the store.

Hi schroederapps,

Yes. You need to handle *-sim platforms for normal plugins, but for Lua plugins everything “just works” for the end user.



Beautiful! Thanks for the quick reply, Michael! (and for telling me what I wanted to hear, no less!) :slight_smile:

I should note that this only applies if you are generating your plugins using our build system (tied into the templates we offer on GitHub). These will compile your source code into byte code (providing some layer of the intellectual property protection you mentioned) and put everything in the right place for you to support all platforms.

When you’re ready to submit to the store I’ll help you through and make sure all is working. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :slight_smile:

Hi Michael,

Glad to see you on the Corona Geek show last night! Thanks for all your help. I’ve submitted my application to the store. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to move the process along. I’m pretty pleased with how the plugin turned out.

The plugin gives Corona developers an easy way to access the full range of Twitter’s REST APIs from inside their apps, making it simple to get data from or post information to a Twitter user’s account with as little as a single line of code. The plugin automatically handles oAuth authentication, and persistently saves a logged-in user’s token data, so they’ll only need to log in and authorize your app once, even across multiple sessions, until they are manually logged out or revoke your app’s access to their Twitter account. The plugin also comes with a set of “convenience functions” that return Lua tables and/or Corona display objects, for easier access to common-use applications without the need for developers to wade through the raw JSON data that Twitter’s REST APIs return.

Full documentation on the plugin is on my website: http://www.jasonschroeder.com/2015/07/15/twitter-plugin-for-corona-sdk/

And here’s a video of the demo app I whipped up to show the plugin off:


Thanks again!


That’s great news!


Lookin’ good!

I’ll be in contact with you tomorrow morning to get it onto the store.