Xcode 14 crashes when building launch screen from the template

I am trying to build the launch screen for iOS as described here

Everything works (although there is the initial warning about the outdated swift version which was stated here as not relevant).
But when choosing to export as ‘Interface Builder Storyboard Package’, Xcode crashes and no LaunchScreen.storyboardc file is generated.
Just for testing I tried to export it as ‘Interface Builder Storyboard’ and this worked as expected (no xcode crash and the corresponding LaunchScreen.storyboard file is generated.

I read that it might be related to xcode 14 see here and that there might not be problems with xcode 13, but I am unable to downgrade to xcode 13 because I am already on macOS Ventura.

Any idea on how to create the launch screen without the template or with Xcode 14? Might it maybe now be related to the Swift version mismatch mentioned above?


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I just made an account to say “me too”. Not very helpful, I know.

I even tried creating an XCode project containing a Storyboard from scratch (not using the Solar/Corona template), and that crashed XCode on export too.

To make it worse, I can’t find many mentioned of “storyboard package” on Google. This page seems to be (one of) the top hits!

Trying it on a different (fresher) Mac, so see if that makes a difference…