Have tested the interstitial, wall and banner.
Interstitial and wall work without problems.
Banners, unfortunately show in wrong orientation.
My game is in landscape but the banner is shown as portrait.
Have tested the interstitial, wall and banner.
Interstitial and wall work without problems.
Banners, unfortunately show in wrong orientation.
My game is in landscape but the banner is shown as portrait.
I have fixed this issue and it should be pushed in the next day or so.
I’ve tested this on my landscape app. 2 issues
I have the same issues as WideAwakeGames.
On iPad devices, the banner ads show up small, they do not scale.
On iOS devices, if an interstitial is clicked, when you return to the my game, the user tries to click the “X” at the top right but nothing happens, then crashes the game!!!
Thanks for the reports. I will look into them and get them fixed ASAP. If either of you have a stack trace from the crash and can send it to me it would help me out a lot.
My plan for scaling is to add a new method for creating an ad view that accepts a scale as an argument as not everyone will want the same scale. Any other suggestions for scaling?
– Current method: scale defaults to 1, ie banner is 320x50
tapfortap.createAdView(BOTTOM, CENTER);
– New method: scale the banner by 1.5x ie 480x75
tapfortap.createAdViewWithScale(BOTTOM, CENTER, 1.5);
I’ll have to check if I saved the stack trace. Scaling would be useful as we can scale based on device and content size. Also, being able to set the X and Y location instead of BOTTOM, LEFT, etc, would be useful. I align banner ads in my landscape app such that the score indicator and lives left indicator are visible.
I finally tracked down the interstitial bug and pushed a fix.
I have also extended the createAdView method to accept x and y offsets as well as a scale. The x and y offsets are from the top left corner of where you originally place the banner (ie. TOP + yOffset, CENTER + xOffset). Scale will grow the banner while maintaining the aspect ratio to keep the ad looking good (ie width and height get scaled by the same amount).
createAdView(verticalAlignment, horizontalAlignment, xOffeset, yOffset, scale)
The offsets and scale are optional and if they are not provided the defaults are 0,0,1 so this change should not break existing code.
Nicely done. I must say the support response from tap to tap has been great. (cough Revmob not so much cough)
I just tested this on my Nexus S. My app is in landscaperight only. using TOP,CENTRE I still get the add in BOTTOM CENTRE.
Sorry, I forgot to mention in my previous post that changes that I push are not instantaneous. They may take a day or two to make it into the Corona build system. The interstitial issue was something on Tap for Tap’s end (ie not in the plugin) so that fix got pushed right away.
I will add a way to get the version number of the plugin in the next update so when I push fixes you can check which version the Corna builder is using against what version I just pushed.
OK, got it.
BTW, does Corona Labs tell you what daily build will have your fixes?
WideAwakeGames - I may be misunderstanding, but 99% of the time, any changes to a plugin will be independent to daily builds. That’s one of the goals of plugins - to decouple the two.
OK, that makes sense. So when Phil states that the push takes a while, I would assume that he’s checking in updated code in a versioning system for the plug-ins? If so, do the plug in devs know when their code updates are commited to production? Could there be a daily build summary for any plug-ins that have changed? I think that would be useful for both the plug-in dev and user.
Yes, this is a good point (and we may already have something like this but not exposed). Let me look into it…
I have fixed this issue and it should be pushed in the next day or so.
I’ve tested this on my landscape app. 2 issues
I have the same issues as WideAwakeGames.
On iPad devices, the banner ads show up small, they do not scale.
On iOS devices, if an interstitial is clicked, when you return to the my game, the user tries to click the “X” at the top right but nothing happens, then crashes the game!!!
Thanks for the reports. I will look into them and get them fixed ASAP. If either of you have a stack trace from the crash and can send it to me it would help me out a lot.
My plan for scaling is to add a new method for creating an ad view that accepts a scale as an argument as not everyone will want the same scale. Any other suggestions for scaling?
– Current method: scale defaults to 1, ie banner is 320x50
tapfortap.createAdView(BOTTOM, CENTER);
– New method: scale the banner by 1.5x ie 480x75
tapfortap.createAdViewWithScale(BOTTOM, CENTER, 1.5);
I’ll have to check if I saved the stack trace. Scaling would be useful as we can scale based on device and content size. Also, being able to set the X and Y location instead of BOTTOM, LEFT, etc, would be useful. I align banner ads in my landscape app such that the score indicator and lives left indicator are visible.