Hi Rob, thanks for getting back to me.
Both myself and designer are located in Sydney Australia.
Have tested using same location, same wifi network.
For testing / logs I have rebuilt and used the same app “plugins-sample-coronaAds-master” with current daily build.
Only change was to swap in our API key.
Location access on the device is allowed.
Compile and install App
Allow access to location when prompted
Allow app to load / buttons to go darker blue
Press “Top” Banner Ad,
Press “Bottom” Banner Ad,
Press “Show Interstitial” Banner Ad,
Logs for the failed test are attached.
Jun 22 11:58:13.457 iOS build succeeded Jun 22 11:58:17.546 Installing 'plugins-sample-coronaAds-master.app' on iPhone ... Uploading plugins-sample-coronaAds-master.app package contents... DONE. Installing '(null)' - CreatingStagingDirectory (5%) - ExtractingPackage (15%) - InspectingPackage (20%) - TakingInstallLock (20%) - PreflightingApplication (30%) - InstallingEmbeddedProfile (30%) - VerifyingApplication (40%) - CreatingContainer (50%) - InstallingApplication (60%) - PostflightingApplication (70%) - SandboxingApplication (80%) - GeneratingApplicationMap (90%) - Complete Jun 22 11:58:17.546 ---------- Device Log Starts ---------- Jun 22 12:01:14.079 [Device] Platform: iPhone / iPhone8,1 / 9.3.2 / Apple A9 GPU / OpenGL ES 2.0 Apple A9 GPU - 77.14 / 2016.2904 / en-AU | AU | en\_AU | en Jun 22 12:01:14.122 [Device] SDK is initialized Jun 22 12:01:14.129 [Device] Server Environment 1 = 1 and SDK Version = 1.3 Jun 22 12:01:14.134 [Device] -[CoronaServer2Server startSession:withCallback:] [Line 187] I am working on some thing awesome Jun 22 12:01:19.335 [Device] Device Info - app\_name=plugins-sample-coronaAds-master;sdk\_version=1.3;app\_bundle\_id=plugins-sample-coronaAds-master;product\_identifier=coronaads\_perk;device\_manufacturer=Apple;device\_model=iPhone 6s;device\_resolution=640x1136;os\_name=iOS;os\_version=9.3.2;ios\_idfa=20E07001-5556-4422-81A2-12E7A50F3F01;ios\_idfv=12CF5D73-E146-45F2-B9D7-E4AC2AE6D493;api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6;app\_version=1.0;tracking\_enabled=true;open\_udid=20E07001-5556-4422-81A2-12E7A50F3F01;lat=150.648029;long=-33.734043 Jun 22 12:01:19.335 [Device] URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v1/init.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&test\_mode=0 Jun 22 12:01:20.494 [Device] \_\_49-[CoronaServer2Server startSession:withCallback:]\_block\_invoke\_2 [Line 213] Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x15e6f1450\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v1/init.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&test\_mode=0 } { status code: 200, headers { Jun 22 12:01:20.494 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:01:20.494 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:01:20 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; Jun 22 12:01:20.495 [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } } and status code 200 Jun 22 12:01:20.506 [Device] \_\_49-[CoronaServer2Server startSession:withCallback:]\_block\_invoke\_2 [Line 219] responseDict1={"status":"success","message":null,"data":{"placements":[{"id":656,"slug":"bottom-banner-320x50","type":"banner","dimensions":"320x50","fan\_placement\_id":"659428974189956\_814592528673599","position":"bottom"},{"id":657,"slug":"interstitial-1","type":"interstitial","dimensions":"320x480","fan\_placement\_id":"659428974189956\_814593932006792","position":"center"},{"id":655,"slug":"top-banner-320x50","type":"banner","dimensions":"320x50","fan\_placement\_id":"659428974189956\_814595282006657","position":"top"}],"waterfall":{"fan":{"position":"first"}}}} Jun 22 12:01:20.506 [Device] \_\_49-[CoronaServer2Server startSession:withCallback:]\_block\_invoke\_2 [Line 226] Placement Array = ( [Device] { [Device] dimensions = 320x50; [Device] "fan\_placement\_id" = "659428974189956\_814592528673599"; [Device] id = 656; [Device] position = bottom; [Device] slug = "bottom-banner-320x50"; [Device] type = banner; [Device] }, [Device] { [Device] dimensions = 320x480; [Device] "fan\_placement\_id" = "659428974189956\_814593932006792"; [Device] id = 657; [Device] position = center; [Device] slug = "interstitial-1"; [Device] type = interstitial; [Device] }, [Device] { [Device] dimensions = 320x50; [Device] "fan\_placement\_id" = "659428974189956\_814595282006657"; [Device] id = 655; [Device] position = top; [Device] slug = "top-banner-320x50"; [Device] type = banner; [Device] } [Device] ) [Device] FAN VALUE = first [Device] init success happend [Device] Corona Ads event: initialization successful Jun 22 12:01:20.518 [Device] ---{ Jun 22 12:01:20.518 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:01:20 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } Jun 22 12:02:52.163 [Device] toggle button 0 Jun 22 12:02:52.163 [Device] placement ID = top-banner-320x50 Jun 22 12:02:52.176 [Device] plc ID = (null) Jun 22 12:02:52.176 [Device] Corona Ads event: ad for "top-banner-320x50" placement requested [Device] AD PLC VALUE [Device] SDK is initialized Jun 22 12:02:52.194 [Device] size value array = ( [Device] 320, [Device] 50 [Device] ) Jun 22 12:02:52.194 [Device] -[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:] [Line 405] Request URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=top-banner-320x50&event=request [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdSettings:94] When testing your app with Facebook's ad units you must specify the device hashed ID to ensure the delivery of test ads, add the following code before loading an ad: [FBAdSettings addTestDevice:@"a6f9ee85bc2519d95feb76548d60e640dd4d8ff3"] [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdSettings:95] Test mode device hash: a6f9ee85bc2519d95feb76548d60e640dd4d8ff3 Jun 22 12:02:53.070 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdProvider:137 \<error\>] Ad request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.ads.sdk Code=1001 "No fill" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No fill, FBAdErrorDetailKey={ Jun 22 12:02:53.083 [Device] msg = "No fill. We are not able to serve ads to this person. Please refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#a12. If you are integrating Audience Network for the first time, you can use test ads https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/testing."; [Device] }} Jun 22 12:02:53.083 [Device] Ad failed to load [Device] serverToserverAdLoadingFail [Device] URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/ad.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=top-banner-320x50&test\_mode=0 Jun 22 12:02:53.326 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 420] Beacon Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x15e5ef950\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=top-banner-320x50&event=request } { status code: 200, headers { Jun 22 12:02:53.326 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:02:53.327 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:02:53 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; Jun 22 12:02:53.327 [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } } and status code 200 Jun 22 12:02:53.343 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 426] responseDict1={"status":"success","message":null,"data":{"event":"request","network":null}} Jun 22 12:02:53.344 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:02:53 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } Jun 22 12:02:54.112 [Device] \_\_32-[CoronaServer2Server s2sAdCall]\_block\_invoke [Line 287] Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x1628027f0\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/ad.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=top-banner-320x50&test\_mode=0 } { status code: 500, headers { Jun 22 12:02:54.112 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:02:54.113 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:02:53 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; Jun 22 12:02:54.113 [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; Jun 22 12:02:54.114 [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } } and status code 500 Jun 22 12:02:54.131 [Device] placement ID = top-banner-320x50 Jun 22 12:02:54.131 [Device] plc ID = No FILL [Device] Corona Ads event: ad for "top-banner-320x50" placement not found [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:02:53 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } [Device] -[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:] [Line 405] Request URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=top-banner-320x50&event=error Jun 22 12:02:55.320 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 420] Beacon Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x15e6f9730\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=top-banner-320x50&event=error } { status code: 200, headers { Jun 22 12:02:55.321 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:02:55.321 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:02:55 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; Jun 22 12:02:55.321 [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; Jun 22 12:02:55.322 [Device] } } and status code 200 Jun 22 12:02:55.332 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 426] responseDict1={"status":"success","message":null,"data":{"event":"error","network":null}} Jun 22 12:02:55.332 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:02:55 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } Jun 22 12:03:07.927 [Device] toggle button 0 Jun 22 12:03:07.959 [Device] placement ID = bottom-banner-320x50 Jun 22 12:03:07.967 [Device] plc ID = (null) Jun 22 12:03:07.967 [Device] Corona Ads event: ad for "bottom-banner-320x50" placement requested [Device] AD PLC VALUE [Device] size value array = ( [Device] 320, [Device] 50 [Device] ) Jun 22 12:03:07.974 [Device] -[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:] [Line 405] Request URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=bottom-banner-320x50&event=request Jun 22 12:03:08.303 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdProvider:137 \<error\>] Ad request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.ads.sdk Code=1001 "No fill" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No fill, FBAdErrorDetailKey={ Jun 22 12:03:08.312 [Device] msg = "No fill. We are not able to serve ads to this person. Please refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#a12. If you are integrating Audience Network for the first time, you can use test ads https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/testing."; [Device] }} Jun 22 12:03:08.312 [Device] Ad failed to load [Device] serverToserverAdLoadingFail [Device] URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/ad.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=bottom-banner-320x50&test\_mode=0 Jun 22 12:03:09.138 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 420] Beacon Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x1629072b0\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=bottom-banner-320x50&event=request } { status code: 200, headers { Jun 22 12:03:09.138 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:03:09.138 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:08 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; Jun 22 12:03:09.139 [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } } and status code 200 Jun 22 12:03:09.152 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 426] responseDict1={"status":"success","message":null,"data":{"event":"request","network":null}} Jun 22 12:03:09.152 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:08 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } Jun 22 12:03:09.347 [Device] \_\_32-[CoronaServer2Server s2sAdCall]\_block\_invoke [Line 287] Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x16284ff40\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/ad.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=bottom-banner-320x50&test\_mode=0 } { status code: 500, headers { Jun 22 12:03:09.348 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:03:09.348 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:09 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; Jun 22 12:03:09.349 [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; Jun 22 12:03:09.349 [Device] } } and status code 500 Jun 22 12:03:09.349 [Device] placement ID = bottom-banner-320x50 Jun 22 12:03:09.349 [Device] plc ID = No FILL Jun 22 12:03:09.365 [Device] Corona Ads event: ad for "bottom-banner-320x50" placement not found Jun 22 12:03:09.365 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:09 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } [Device] -[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:] [Line 405] Request URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=bottom-banner-320x50&event=error Jun 22 12:03:10.458 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 420] Beacon Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x162833290\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=bottom-banner-320x50&event=error } { status code: 200, headers { Jun 22 12:03:10.458 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:03:10.458 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:10 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; Jun 22 12:03:10.459 [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } } and status code 200 Jun 22 12:03:10.475 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 426] responseDict1={"status":"success","message":null,"data":{"event":"error","network":null}} Jun 22 12:03:10.475 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:10 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } Jun 22 12:03:15.044 [Device] toggle button 1 Jun 22 12:03:15.069 [Device] placement ID = interstitial-1 Jun 22 12:03:15.069 [Device] plc ID = (null) Jun 22 12:03:15.083 [Device] Corona Ads event: ad for "interstitial-1" placement requested Jun 22 12:03:15.083 [Device] AD PLC VALUE [Device] -[FANInterstitialAdViewController showInterstitialAdWithPlacementTag:andController:] [Line 21] valid 0 [Device] -[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:] [Line 405] Request URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=interstitial-1&event=request Jun 22 12:03:15.590 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdProvider:137 \<error\>] Ad request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.ads.sdk Code=1001 "No fill" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No fill, FBAdErrorDetailKey={ Jun 22 12:03:15.602 [Device] msg = "No fill. We are not able to serve ads to this person. Please refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#a12. If you are integrating Audience Network for the first time, you can use test ads https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/testing."; [Device] }} Jun 22 12:03:15.613 [Device] serverToserverAdLoadingFail Jun 22 12:03:15.613 [Device] URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/ad.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=interstitial-1&test\_mode=0 Jun 22 12:03:16.150 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 420] Beacon Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x15e5fa020\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=interstitial-1&event=request } { status code: 200, headers { Jun 22 12:03:16.151 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:03:16.151 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:16 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; Jun 22 12:03:16.151 [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; Jun 22 12:03:16.152 [Device] } } and status code 200 Jun 22 12:03:16.161 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 426] responseDict1={"status":"success","message":null,"data":{"event":"request","network":null}} Jun 22 12:03:16.161 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:16 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } Jun 22 12:03:16.657 [Device] \_\_32-[CoronaServer2Server s2sAdCall]\_block\_invoke [Line 287] Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x16286f390\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/ad.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=interstitial-1&test\_mode=0 } { status code: 500, headers { Jun 22 12:03:16.658 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; Jun 22 12:03:16.658 [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:03:16.658 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:16 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; Jun 22 12:03:16.659 [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; Jun 22 12:03:16.659 [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } } and status code 500 Jun 22 12:03:16.659 [Device] placement ID = interstitial-1 Jun 22 12:03:16.660 [Device] plc ID = No FILL Jun 22 12:03:16.672 [Device] Corona Ads event: ad for "interstitial-1" placement not found Jun 22 12:03:16.672 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:16 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } [Device] -[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:] [Line 405] Request URL = https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=interstitial-1&event=error Jun 22 12:03:17.740 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 420] Beacon Response:\<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x1628a0520\> { URL: https://monetize-api.coronalabs.com/v2/beacon.json?api\_key=5fbf7570-75be-4150-a318-3edd08b13af6&placement=interstitial-1&event=error } { status code: 200, headers { Jun 22 12:03:17.740 [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; Jun 22 12:03:17.741 [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:17 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; Jun 22 12:03:17.741 [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } } and status code 200 Jun 22 12:03:17.754 [Device] \_\_56-[CoronaServer2Server beaconCallWithAdLifeCycleRequest:]\_block\_invoke [Line 426] responseDict1={"status":"success","message":null,"data":{"event":"error","network":null}} Jun 22 12:03:17.755 [Device] ---{ [Device] "Cache-Control" = "private, must-revalidate"; [Device] Connection = "keep-alive"; [Device] "Content-Type" = "application/json"; [Device] Date = "Wed, 22 Jun 2016 02:03:17 GMT"; [Device] Expires = "-1"; [Device] "Keep-Alive" = "timeout=10"; [Device] Pragma = "no-cache"; [Device] Server = nginx; [Device] "Transfer-Encoding" = Identity; [Device] "X-Powered-By" = "PHP/5.6.16"; [Device] } Jun 22 12:03:22.442 [Device] Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.WebContent: 154: Requestor is not a platform binary Jun 22 12:03:22.455 [Device] Could not signal service com.apple.WebKit.Networking: 154: Requestor is not a platform binary Jun 22 12:03:23.565 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdProvider:137 \<error\>] Ad request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.ads.sdk Code=1001 "No fill" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No fill, FBAdErrorDetailKey={ Jun 22 12:03:23.577 [Device] msg = "No fill. We are not able to serve ads to this person. Please refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#a12. If you are integrating Audience Network for the first time, you can use test ads https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/testing."; [Device] }} Jun 22 12:03:38.720 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdProvider:137 \<error\>] Ad request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.ads.sdk Code=1001 "No fill" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No fill, FBAdErrorDetailKey={ Jun 22 12:03:38.735 [Device] msg = "No fill. We are not able to serve ads to this person. Please refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#a12. If you are integrating Audience Network for the first time, you can use test ads https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/testing."; [Device] }} Jun 22 12:03:50.633 [Device] width = 320.000000 Jun 22 12:03:50.634 [Device] I am here 2 Jun 22 12:03:50.634 [Device] I am here 1 Jun 22 12:03:50.634 [Device] width = 320.000000 [Device] I am here 2 Jun 22 12:03:50.649 [Device] I am here 1 Jun 22 12:03:50.649 [Device] width = 320.000000 [Device] I am here 2 [Device] I am here 1 Jun 22 12:03:51.341 [Device] width = 320.000000 Jun 22 12:03:51.341 [Device] I am here 2 Jun 22 12:03:51.355 [Device] I am here 1 Jun 22 12:03:51.366 [Device] width = 320.000000 Jun 22 12:03:51.366 [Device] I am here 2 [Device] I am here 1 Jun 22 12:03:53.670 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdURLSession:144 \<error\>] HTTP error, status=0, error=Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1005 "The network connection was lost." UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x162826c20 {Error Domain=kCFErrorDomainCFNetwork Code=-1005 "(null)" UserInfo={\_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=57, \_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1}}, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://graph.facebook.com/network\_ads\_common/, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://graph.facebook.com/network\_ads\_common/, \_kCFStreamErrorDomainKey=1, \_kCFStreamErrorCodeKey=57, NSLocalizedDescription=The network connection was lost.}, bytes=0, encoding=(null), url=network\_ads\_common/ -- https://graph.facebook.com Jun 22 12:03:53.684 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdProvider:137 \<error\>] Ad request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.ads.sdk Code=2000 "Server Error" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Server Error, FBAdErrorDetailKey={ Jun 22 12:03:53.684 [Device] url = "https://graph.facebook.com/network\_ads\_common/"; [Device] }} Jun 22 12:04:09.339 [Device] [FBAudienceNetworkLog/FBAdProvider:137 \<error\>] Ad request error: Error Domain=com.facebook.ads.sdk Code=1001 "No fill" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No fill, FBAdErrorDetailKey={ Jun 22 12:04:09.353 [Device] msg = "No fill. We are not able to serve ads to this person. Please refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/faq#a12. If you are integrating Audience Network for the first time, you can use test ads https://developers.facebook.com/docs/audience-network/testing."; [Device] }}