The total number of votes doesn’t determine when we get to it. Other factors like how difficult it is to implement? how much support it will require? How cross platform will it be? What work arounds are available?, etc.
So things like widgets to replace native text fields is something we probably won’t tackle until we get a 10 fold increase in engineering resources. It’s simply too hard and time consuming with regards to engineering time. We did a tutorial on how to build a widget framework around native.newTextFields, we’ve made them able to be moved in groups, help with positioning and text sizing with them and the community has built a very full featured widget that still uses native.newTextFields. To actually implement the text fields as OpenGL objects would be insanely difficult. We get it that you want it, but its simply not practical.
Vector Graphics I think would be quite popular, but we’ve been chasing more important features, features that will impact more users and things that get dumped on us. We have to keep functioning when Apple, Google, Facebook and such dropping breaking changes on us and an increasing rate.
So maybe after we get Windows and OS-X builds out the door and we get the Fuse items integrated then we can tackle more things on the list. Windows and OS-X builds are two of the most requested features. But it won’t get tackled if its not on the feedback site and there are not votes, then it won’t happen for sure.