I’ve created this topic because I’ve answered many devs asking how to access the plugins for the new, latest, OFFLINE builds. PLEASE ADD WHATEVER YOU CAN so that this topic can be of benefit to others.
NOTE: According to @vlads, all plugins where the publisherId=“com.coronalabs” are automatically downloaded and do not need any new references. They are to be accessed in the same manner they are for the older ONLINE build process, for example:
in build.settings, in the plugins section…
["plugin.facebook.v4a"] = {publisherId="com.coronalabs",},
["plugin.notifications.v2"] = {publisherId="com.coronalabs"},
["plugin.google.iap.v3"] = {publisherId="com.coronalabs",supportedPlatforms={["android"]=true,["iphone"]=true}},
["plugin.kochava"] = {publisherId="com.coronalabs",},
["CoronaProvider.native.popup.social"] = {publisherId="com.coronalabs"},
["CoronaProvider.native.popup.activity"] = {publisherId="com.coronalabs",supportedPlatforms={iphone=true}},
ANOTHER IMPORTANT NOTE: If you COPY any of the plugin references in this thread with the intent to PASTE them into your build.settings plugin section, you’ll want to make sure to grab the entire line, because this forum system will often not display the entire line or even wrap it; you’ll need to put your cursor in the topic and scroll to the right to grab the entire line before copying it.