Today when entering the developer console a warning message appeared in my App:
Starting May 5, you will need to indicate why your app requires broad storage access
We detected that your app contains the requestLegacyExternalStorage tag in the manifest file of 1 or more of your application or APK packages.
Developers who have apps on devices running Android 11 and later must use dedicated storage so that users have more control over access to their device’s storage. Starting on May 5, to launch your app on Android 11 or later, you must do one of the following:
-Update your app to use more privacy-related best practices, such as the storage access framework or the Media Store API
-Update your app to declare the Access to All Files (MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE) permission in the manifest file and complete the declaration in the Play Console as of May 5
-Completely remove the Access to all files permission from your appFor apps targeting Android 11, the requestLegacyExternalStorage tag will be ignored. You must use the Access to all files permission to maintain broad access.
Apps that request access to the Access to all files permission without having the authorized use will be removed from Google Play, and you will not be able to publish updates.
I can’t determine what is adding this permission in my app.
I’m wondering if anyone could shed some light on this situation, as I’m a little confused as to what new permissions will be needed, and haven’t been able to find anything regarding this with Solar2D. Thanks in advance!